“I don’t know what I want, but I know what I like when I see it.”
This statement is a recipe for disaster.
Not knowing a client’s goals, likes, dislikes, or objectives makes putting together a proposal, initial design or even budget difficult. It can lead to a lot of dead ends, wasted time and frustration on everyone’s part. It usually ends up with unhappy customers as well.
We’ve put together some helpful information to help you start thinking about what you are looking for with your marketing plan. By having a better understanding of your goals, we can best utilize our resources to find the perfect solution.
Logo vs. Identity vs. Brand? What's the Difference?
Digital Guidelines for Printing

Submitting Artwork
Submitting your own files? If possible, please send your document or file as a press-ready PDF. If your file is too large to email, we recommend sending it to us through a free online service that allows you to upload large files, such as Dropbox or Hightail. You may also place the file on a Flash Drive or CD and bring it in.
Please send files as a press-ready PDF with fonts embedded. Most professional design programs allow you to export files as a press quality PDF. While we can usually convert files created in other programs, they may not appear correctly on our screens due to different fonts, software versions, and operating systems.
While we can work with Word and Publisher files, we frequently run into font, system and version problems. The file you submit might not appear the same on our computers, which could lead to layout and design errors. For maximum compatibility, export Word and Publisher files as Press Quality PDFs. Both programs offer saving options that allow you to export PDFs.
If your files are incorrectly prepared for printing, you will be charged artwork time to make corrections. This may delay the processing of your job.
We are running Adobe Creative Cloud versions of InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator.